Saturday, August 14, 2010

District 9 - You are not welcome here.

There's a reason why this movie was nominated for an Oscar this year: because it's bloody monumental. Peter Jackson from Lord of the Rings knew it, my friend Dan Moller told me about it and now I know it, and now here's your chance to get in on the action. I kid you not, District 9 happens to be one of the best movies I have ever seen.

When Dan told me it was sci-fi flick, I put off watching it. I thought this was gonna be yet another try-hard film trying to make money off of my nostalgia, like that time I boycotted the X-Men and Transformers movies because they massacred the cartoons (and their respective franchises) which I idolized when I was a kid. Of course, I couldn't have been more wrong, because District 9 is nothing like a conventional sci-fi movie. In fact, it's nothing like a typical movie at all, which it what makes it so damn good.

Without going into the details to spoil it all for you I can only gush about the director Neill Blomkamp, of Halo fame, who I'm totally crushin on right about now. He's taken the art of observational mockumentary to a whole new level.

This movie kept me hooked from start to finish, while it crammed a multitude of issues into 112 minutes of action packed, attention grabbing goodness. There is not a dull moment in this film, and that's exactly why I'm giving it 5 stars!

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