Saturday, April 4, 2009

Assignment 3 - And so it begins!

I've been working on the underwater sequence this week, and I've put together a few clips so far into a 2min narrative with audio but I still need to fine tune the colour correction.

After testing this sequence as a streaming video in HD, I found that it looks rather dull. The more realistic it looks, the more dull it is. I've exaggerated a few colours as well as the brightness and contrast in some clips, and that seems to do the trick. It also isn't as sharp as I would like it to be, but because it is meant to represent a surrealist painting it doesn't really work when it's sharp. I will fine tune this as well, I'm sure I'll be able to find a happy medium.

Altogether when the clips for this sequence are arranged into a narrative it totals about 2:13sec.

To save time when rendering I've been using two networked computers, and while one renders I work on the other.

I think I should be finished with this sequence by the end of the week. I will be starting work on the title and waking sequence over the weekend, but as I have other major assessments as well I will have to juggle. Working on this project is however, far more fun than typing pages and pages of code in notepad, so I have no trouble with getting stuck into it.

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